“What a day! At a full campus cookout, we served over 240 people in an hour. We had a great altar call where we could see how many kids were truly touched today,” said Kerry Marten, Supervisor at Lookout Mountain Youth Facility. These were the words Kerry forwarded to her staff and supervisors after a two-day camp held inside the maximum security youth facility in Golden.
Straight Ahead Colorado, a Christian ministry in Littleton directed by Connie Waller, shared the love of Christ, along with dozens of volunteers from Bear Valley Church, Set Free Church, the Denver Rescue Mission and other local churches.
Thursday evening “Charis” rocked the auditorium, and “Michael and Amy” provided the entertainment on Friday evening with their comedy and music. Sandwiched in between all of this were sports, inflatables, water games, popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones, and all that makes camps so special. Our volunteers grilled 240 hamburgers and hot dogs at lunch, and served up Dickey’s BBQ for dinner.
As the youth ran around in their camp t-shirts, they slipped away for awhile from the reality that many of them will remain incarcerated for several years. The maximum age of youth at Lookout is 21 years old.
Each night the message of Christ was shared with the young men after the music and entertainment. There were 67 kids who were eligible to attend the camp and participate in the events – tough kids, all serving time for a crime. There were gang members of rival gangs coming together to laugh, sing, participate in activities and hear Christ being proclaimed.
On the final night after the message was given, a special altar call was given to the 67 youth in the auditorium. At first only a couple came forward to be prayed over by the volunteer men gathered at the front. Then one of the gang kids came forward, then another, and the altar call did not stop as 36 of the youth flooded the front. We now have follow-up with these kids who are eager to change their lives.
Matt 25:36 – “I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Straight Ahead’s annual Christmas party at LMYSC will be coming in December. About 50 or the youth will be eligible to attend. They will feast on chips and salsa, cheese and crackers, sausage, veggies, cookies, and candy. About 12 volunteers will serve and have an opportunity to visit with the kids and staff. Even Santa might make an appearance! Of course the Gospel message will be given.
We would love to have you with us! Stay tuned as final details will be finalized soon.
A couple of years ago, our special guest speaker was Ma’o Niko, a former Denver Bronco. He spoke to the kids about adversity, and how God has changed his life. If you would like to come out for some of our events at the facility, please call the office and let us know. We’d love to have you.

Ma’o Niko and Howard Waller
Eleven youth from Lookout Mountain Youth Services Center (LMYSC) Eagles Program and Lookout Academy Culinary Arts Program partnered with Straight Ahead Colorado and Doing HIS Time Ministries on September 25, 2007 for its annual fundraising dinner for Prison-based ministries in Colorado.
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Straight Ahead Colorado held its annual “Amazing Adventure” Camp at the Lookout Mountain Youth Services Center Campus on Saturday September 29, 2007. Nearly 75 of the top residents on the campus participated in the day. Youth enjoyed a day very much out of the normal routine on the LMYSC campus.
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