Every summer, Straight Ahead Colorado hosts a two day long Adventure Camp inside the grounds at Lookout Mountain Youth Services Center in Golden, Colorado .(LMYSC is the maximum security facility in Colorado for youth.) The facility is transformed into a “summer camp” for the residents who have earned the privilege of attending the camp. Up to 75 youth participate in daily sports activities, and listen to Christian music and speakers in the evenings.
This year, on August 13 and 14, more than 25 volunteers showed up and gave their entire day to these guy for this annual event. They grilled and served hamburgers and hot dogs to the 240 residents and staff at LMYSC. In the afternoon, you could see the residents in various states: some were in giant inflatable hamster balls, others on the giant trikes or on the high rope elements. And even more trying to get the staff wet on the obligatory dunk tank. Of course there was the usual popcorn, cotton candy and snow cones. The softball team came in and played games that pit the residents against volunteers. This is the fifth year in a row that these softball players have come to play at Lookout Mountain.
We were very blessed to have top notch talent for the kids again this year. Michael and Amy Pickering entertained them the first night, and Jonathan Hart played for them the second night. The kids love the evening programs, especially the music. Many are touched and convicted through the worship songs, and listening to the testimonies of Howard Waller and special guests.
On Friday evening, we brought in what the residents call “street food,” Tequila’s restaurant, which they went crazy for! And Ernesto prepared enough so they all could have seconds! This is the one event each year where we have the opportunity to share the Gospel with more than 75 kids in one place. In past years, we have seen many, many of them change their lives, and follow the Lord and Savior we serve. This year, 33 young men came forward. We know begin the follow-up process with each of them. Please be in prayer for them.

Watch for this year’s dates for the Restorative Justice Camp in late January. This is a 4-day camp, held at a local area camp, and up to 8 residents will participate, along with escorts and Straight Ahead volunteers. In the past, they have performed voluntary community service such as scraping an old house that was to become a museum, removed huge trees in a ski area to make a bridge, and learned the value of taking care of the hiking trails in Colorado by helping to repair them. Participants learn about Biblical Restorative Justice, while performing voluntary community service for the town. They stay in a private lodge and participate in Bible studies, discussions each evening. This is also another great volunteer opportunity to get to know the kids!